Earth Day 2024: Heavenly Makeover in Store
As we commemorate another Earth Day, we should consider Earth’s future. Sometimes, environmentalists make it seem like it’s all gloom and doom for the Earth. However, just the opposite is true. Earth has a brighter future than is being propagated. The planet has a makeover in its future!
Mankind has not always been kind to this planet but there is hope. It is true, that we have misused Earth’s resources. It’s true, we’re reaping the results of industrial pollution in the atmosphere, dumping in the oceans and on land. It’s true, we have neglected this planet. It is true, we were given this Earth to care for and to protect.
However, there’s more to the story than that of misuse and abuse on the part of Earth’s inhabitants. Before industrialization and pollution of air, land, and sea, Earth and its inhabitants enjoyed clean air. Earth was subjected to its first climate change in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed the Creator. We read in Genesis chapter 2 that in the beginning, a mist rose and watered the Earth. At that time, there was no need for rain. The climate was perfect and Earth was ecologically friendly. Nothing died.
After the fall of Adam and Eve, the couple and other living things started dying just like the Creator told them they would. Later on, we read of the first rainfall. That premier downpour resulted in a flood. Throughout the ages, as human beings multiplied upon the Earth, the planet experienced and continues to experience degradation of its surface, its atmosphere, its water sources, and consequently, its living creatures. In these last days, Earth seems pregnant waiting for delivery.
Earth seems to be experiencing labor pains as she quakes in various places with much greater frequency and intensity, and cries with far more frequent torrential showers that last much longer than before. Climate change has resulted in all types of catastrophes by land, sea, and air. However, these calamities do not mean that all is hopeless for the Earth. They certainly don’t mean that we should forget our Creator as we focus on how to manage Earth’s resources.
We should be mindful that we honor the Maker of the Earth. We think about His plans, His commands as to how to live, and how to care for the planet. We should also be aware that He has promised that He would create a new Earth. In Isaiah 65 and Revelation, he shares His plans to recreate Earth since sin has marred it. While we protect Earth, this Earth as we know it will not last forever. That should be good news because like any created thing that does not last forever, this Earth as it is will not last forever either.
We have to remember that the Creator of the planet we love and call our home, will return. His plan is not for us to remain here while Earth suffers destruction. He has promised to rescue those of us who love Him from this old Earth and make a new Earth that we will be able to inhabit without climate change and the environmental destruction that follows as a result. In the campaign to protect our resources, we should remember that He is returning.
Poem to Commemorate Earth Day
Earth is passing away and we care for it because it is our home. We also should remember that we are pilgrims of this Earth and as such, this Earth is not our final home. According to His word, “Behold, I make a new Heaven and a new Earth.” See below for my new poem for Earth Day 2024. It is being set to music and is due for release soon. If you are a part of my community, you will be one of the first to hear it. If you have not yet signed up for my newsletter, please do so for updates and giveaways. I’d love to have you! Scroll down to sign up.
Stewards of Creation
by Queen Majeeda
In the beginning was a perfect world, perfect Earth
Perfect weather for a wedding in a garden
Perfect weather for dwelling in a garden
A universe the Creator spoke into being from Sunday to Thursday
A man and a woman He formed with His own hands on Friday
A day of rest He established
on day Saturday
And the Earth was eco-friendly
But disobedience changed a perfect ecosystem
into environmental upheaval
And the planet we were given to care for
lost atmospheric stability
and over time Earth began experiencing
landslides and tornadoes
and other natural disasters
like raging wildfires
seismic tremors,
and frequent volcanic eruptions.
Depletion of Earth’s resources
Has now catapulted into atmospheric catastrophes
Earth trembles in reaction to
burning fossil fuels
burnt coal and burnt rubber
burnt oil and burnt tyre
industrial pollution
and deforestation.
Earth sighs and cries from
Arctic melting
seas rising
Monsoon flooding
dried up rivers
rainforests depleting
and glaciers receding.
In the beginning was a perfect world, perfect Earth
Perfect weather for a wedding in a garden
Perfect weather for dwelling in a garden
A universe the Creator spoke into being from Sunday to Thursday
A man and a woman He formed with own His hands on Friday
A day of rest He established
on Saturday
And the Earth was eco-friendly
But the masterplan was disrupted
So the Creator stipulated
A Sabbath of rest for the land
So every seven years Earth rested
A septennial Sabbath for the planet
But after thousands of years
of non-stop consumption of Earth’s resources
The planet is dehydrated and famished
But Earth shall find its rest again
Read it in Revelation, He said it
What's more He promised to recreate it
So though there be earthquakes in various places
seas roaring
Tsunamis rolling
Droughts resulting in widespread famine
And Earth waxing old like a garment
Stars falling like rain ‘cause the heavens do shake
Dark sun and blood moon
and the whole creation groans
He will create a new Earth.
Until then, we protect this planet
It is our entrusted home
To tend and to care for
Until then, our responsibility
is to ensure Earth's sustainability.
Copyright © Queen Majeeda 2024